Get rid of the cold

1Keep warm

Stay inside if the weather is cold, and dress warm. When the fever starts to subside you may sweat a lot, so be sure to change sweaty clothes and dress more lightly when you feel warmer.

2Drink plenty of fluids

Try to drink 6-8 glasses a day. Water, fruit juice, tea and sports drinks are helpful, but avoid alcohol.

3Take a bath

Take a steam bath or sit (carefully) with a towel over a bowl of hot water as the steam will help to ease your blocked nose and sinuses. For an added benefit, you can put herbal tea bags into the bowl, e.g. chamomile, eucalyptus or mint.

4Wash your hands

The most common way of spreading infections is through hand contact. Washing your hands can prevent your infection from spreading to others and to your eyes.

5Eat healthy foods

Fruits, fresh vegetables and foods rich in antioxidants (such as blueberries, lemons and oranges), as well as foods such as ginger and garlic can help your body fight the infection more effectively, and may shorten the duration of your illness.